Monday, November 30, 2009

Code to remove the banner on my Myspace profile?

I've seen how people have hidden their banner on myspace.. But I can't seem to find the bit of CSS to do so.. Anyone able to help me out?

Btw, none of that "you'll get banned" stuff thanks :)

Code to remove the banner on my Myspace profile?

so your real question is that you removed the ad accidentally with css and you now need the code so you can find it and delete it so the ad comes back.....

it might look something like this.....

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

table td table tr td.text table {visibility:hidden;}

table td table tr td.text table table, table td table tr td.text table table td.text {visibility:visible;}

td.text table {position:relative; top:-180px;}

td.text table table {position:static;}


%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

div table {display:none;}


%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

div table td font {display: none;}


Code to remove the banner on my Myspace profile?

You need to go into the settings page under Edit,and select hide the banner-that's it!

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